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Job Search in Pittsburgh


Since graduating high school, update your resume with your internship, grad project, activities, and any additional accomplishments.

*Sample HS Grad Resume

*Resumes for HS Grads

*Free Resume Templates

Support sytems are needed in every phase of life and it is important to reach out for help whenever you need it.  Sometimes we need help with a problem we know we'll encounter, other times we need help because we're in the midst of a problem. Use the resources on this page to help you get the help you need. As always you can email us! Access our online catelog of resources to assist you in all facets of your life!




Colleges often offer academic assistance through Office Hours with teachers but also through Academic Success Centers. These offices usually have tutors in most subjects, a writing center (for essay help), and math centers (for math help). Search your college's site for academic help or ask your advisor! These services are usually FREE!

If you are having difficulty studying, finding the best way to study, or managing your time there help for you.  Academic Success Centers, the library, and student couseling centers often provide these services for FREE! These offices can help you find the best times and places to study, help you with note taking, and review your schedule to help you prioritize. 



Use job posting sites to search for jobs and apply to them.  Also attend networking activities in Pittsburgh so you can interact with other young professionals and hear about openings that are not posted and begin building a circle of like-minded people.








*Pittsburgh Young Professionals

*Urban League Young Professionals

*Young Professional Women in Energy

*Pittsburgh Urban Magnet

*Global Pittsburgh News

*New Pittsburgh Collaborative

*Build Pittsburgh (For website folks)

*Great article about networking in Pittsburgh


Research the company and your interviewer before you arrive. Make a list of pertinent questions you want to ask and a list of talking points about your great qualities.  Be sure to dress appropriately and practice positive body language. 

See below for helpful videos:


You might think the financial aid office is the only place to go for help with your financial aid but if your school has a diversity or multicultural student office and you are a minority, you can ask for their assistance with finding additional funds. Sometimes these offices offer short-term, no interest loans for books or supplies!

The housing office can assist with any housing problems. If you're having difficulty with your roommate, speak to your resident assistant or floor manager (colleges have different names for these). It is their job to help mediate roommate problems. If the problem persisits you may be able to switch rooms. If you have never talked to the RA it might be difficult for you to plead your case to switch rooms. Know that a change in rooms might mean a change with your bill if you are "upgrading" to a more private room to a suite.

Academic Assistance

Study Skills, Time Management

Roommate Problems, Housing Issues

Student counseling services or student health services will have counselors to support students going through difficult times. Know that you are not inconveniencing anyone by seeking out help and that the people at these offices are professionals, not students, so they take confidentiality seriously. 

Homesickness, making friends, stress managagement

Supports at College

Financial Assistance

Naviagting a college campus can be challenging. Below you will find a collection of common supports used on college campuses. As soon as you need help, reach out and ask for it. Don't assume your professors and peers know you need help. It's never to late to ask!

Helpful Videos For College Students

I am failing my classes and I am behind on my work. What do I do?

Meet with your advisor as soon as you can. They can help you make decision about how to spend your time and get your GPA up.  You will also need to review your schedule and look at the amount of time you are spending on homework and actually going to class. Anticipate 3 hours of work for 1 hour of class. Are you spending more time socializing or on social media rather than on your classes? You'll need to create a scedule that prioritizes class time and studying/work. 


Here are some sites to help you utilize your time: 

1. Charts to help you evaluate your time and plan your time.

2. Effective time management skills. 

3. Video about time management.



My financial aid is messed up! My loans haven't come in and I got a bill for a ton of money.

The first step is to GO to your financial aid office! Bring all of your paperwork you've received from them and be sure you have your student ID card.  By showing up in person, you are more likely to get more personalized answers to your questions and you can have someone show you exactly what to do.  If you can't show up, call the financial aid office directly.  Remember that you cannot have anyone else call on your behalf unless you have completed paperwork to give them the authority to do so.  Make sure you are polite when you talk to financial aid! It is an incredibly stressful situation but staying calm and polite will go a long way.

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Following up after an interview is critical when trying to secure a job. Following up with your interviewer should be done within 24/48 horus and should be a formal email direclty to the interviewer or interviewers, if there were multiple people in your interview.

See below for additional info:






Financial Aid Process

This is an overview of the Financial Aid Process.

Overview of Repayment of Student Loans

Here you will learn about the facts concerning repaying your student loans.

Explanation of Work Study

Watch this for information about the details of workstudy.

Choosing a major

Choosing a major is important and confusing. Use your advisor and career services department on campus. 

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